1. Choose a provider with a low cesarean rate.
2. Choose a facility with low cesarean rates.
3. Let labor start on its own, and keep moving.
4. Get support- find a doula
5. Do your research- learn about what to expect
Found in healthy Mom&Baby magazine, issue 6 Fall 2011, page 10
"Once a cesarean, always a cesarean." Myth! If a doctor told you that you cannot have another cesarean because you've had one before, that is not necesarily true. While you will need to check with the hospital's policy, if you had a horizontal incision, many women deliver with a successful VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). If you have an uncomplicated pregnancy with no medical conditions that may make a cesarean necessary and you have been told you can only have cesareans after you have one, I advise you to get a second opinion. While it's important to listen to the advice of your doctor, don't forget to do your own research and be your own advocate!